Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This is the Day.

Psalms 118:24 -This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


       Many times we have seen this verse and thought of how awesome God is in guiding and designing every day of our lives. This is a truth we see supported in the Bible (1 Corinthians 2:9) but is not the main thought of psalms 118:24. We see that this verse is probably speaking of Christ's rejection and Crucifixion.  Verse 22, speaks of the rejected stone becoming the cornerstone (Paul referred to Jesus as the cornerstone of the church) Verse 27, speaks of a sacrifice being made on the alter. How could God have designed such a dark and depressing day and desire for us to rejoice in it? We know that from the sorrow and death of the Crucifixion day the whole world has access to eternal life!

     One of the big thoughts I had when reading this verse is all the days we celebrate as special or as holidays. Romans 14:5-6, speaks of some people observing many holidays and some none. Some use this passage to say we should not observe holidays with pagan origins, but the verse tells us not to judge those who observe holidays differently then us, The main thought I want to bring forward is that for most Christians the day is not what is important, but the memory behind it. We don't celebrate Christmas because there is something special about December the 25th, but because it reminds us of God's love and Jesus' birth. I challenge us to think of some Holidays and to be thankful for there memories every day. Whether you thank a serviceman or servicewoman for their sacrifices or you do something special for your mom or dad, try to act on the memories honored in our holidays. You never know what day will be your last and you may not make it to the nest Father's day or Veterans days.  

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