Saturday, April 26, 2014

Answers 4 Dan Haseltine

When talking about homosexuality we do have to divide it into two parts. Part one is “Is it morally wrong?” and part two is “If it is morally wrong and we are all sinners why do some look down on gays””

Is it morally wrong? I would say there are three common ways to determine right and wrong. First is society and government. Secondly we have religion and thirdly evolution. 

How could two people loving each other be bad? Well funny thing is many governments are accepting homosexuality but would not accept Incest. If a brother and sister are of marrying age and love each other should they have the right to marry? Father and daughter? Mother and son. Would the LGBT community push for recognition of these marriages? What if it were a brother and brother? Father and Son? Mother and daughter? The problem with society defining right and wrong is that society changes and truth and right are absolute.

 If we look to the Bible as absolute truth we see Romans 1 speaks extensively on how denying the existence of a higher power and worshiping Creation over Creator  (evolution) will lead to moral decay including rebellious children (v30), Fornication (v29) and homosexuality (v27) And is not evolution in truth the biggest propaganda behind the acceptance of Homosexual behaviors ? Christians should shed a tear when they see homosexuals claim “Many animals exhibit homosexual tendencies – therefore it is a natural part of sexual relationships.” Is that how lowly you think of yourself that you desire to emulate animals?  I have often seen male dogs force themselves on female dogs in heat – Is rape therefore also a natural part of sexual relationships? Dogs often hump peoples legs and inanimate objects. Is bestiality also natural? Some animals eat their mates or offspring. Is this also a natural part of sexual relationships? As Christians we believe human life is more sacred then animal life and Marriage in the same respect should be treated with more respect than being viewed as simply animal reproduction.

 If we accept morality as absolute we must accept the Biblical definition of homosexuality as sin.

Secondly though as we are all sinners, why does it seem so many Christians look down on gays? Romans 1 does not only describe the decline of morality in our society; it also claims men will become proud of their sins. We are all sinners but it is not a stretch to say that homosexuality is the sin many wear as a badge of pride. This pride is what often confuses the line for Christians between “Loving the sinner, but hatting the sin.  

For example- My friend lies to me. I am angry that he lied, but I don't hate him. He is my friend and I love him. However he is also mad at himself for lying. He does not identify himself as a liar; he hopes in the future to identify himself with truth and not with lies. If I tell my friend I am upset that he lied to me he will not take it as an offense but as honesty from a loved one. However, a friend reveals himself to be homosexual. I am upset about his sin, but he is my friend so I identify him still as my friend. He however identifies himself with his sin. Although I am willing to separate my feeling for his sin and my feelings for him, he demands acceptance of his new identity.   Although many Christians do fail at times to efficiently communicate that love, the separation of sinner and sin is often not the failure of the Christian but the crowd who identifies their life by their sin.

So what should be the response of a Christian to growing homosexual acceptance? As individuals we should be looking for excuses to help not to hurt. Jesus often talked about giving help with no expectation of a return. If you help someone you know to be gay don’t expect them to come to your church- help them for their sake not your own.  While we are one the subject-  help people of all races, ages, etc and don’t expect them to feel obligate to hear you witness. I’m not saying don’t witness just don’t help people just to guilt trip them into listening. If they listen the Holy Spirit can work. If they don’t maybe your good spirit will open the door for someone else.  

As a  church we are a help not an enemy. Just as the church should be a healing center for the drunkard, divorcee or down-and-outers the church should be a place of hope for homosexuals. The church, especially leadership, should be an example of purity in all matters sexual so as not to be hypocritical.   Especially within the walls of the church all sins should be addressed but few emphasized.  In counseling a Pastor may be more willing to address specific sins but behind the pulpit divorce and lying (and any other sin) should receive the same condemnation as homosexuality. Of course Pastors often focus on one topic a Sunday, but it should seldom seem that some topics are avoided or fixated on.   In politics, many churches may deem it more appropriate to avoid discussing homosexuality for similar reason to avoiding abortion and other hot topics.

As I have just stated that many churches may desire to avoid the matter of homosexuality you may wonder why I write on it in such length. The answer is two-fold and I will close with it.  #1 – Many Christians who address the issue only speak of the civil aspects I have mentioned and never definitely say yes or no to the question of the morality of Homosexuality. #2 – I fear the day is coming (if it is not already here) that  Christian leaders will say that morally Homosexuality is not a sin.